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Support AAFMHACA, EFDA, and other law enforcement officials with daytime inspection and SF enforcement visits in Arada and Kirkos sub-cities selected districts
January 5, 2023 - January 6, 2023

A daytime inspection was conducted in Arada sub-city as we were inspecting Kirkos on the night. The work done during the daytime inspection was observed by a joint team of AA-FMHACA and sub-city FMHACA. IEC/BCC materials and No-smoking signs were distributed during the on-site inspection and prior meeting for orientation. Establishments which failed to post the No-Smoking coloured sticker were given new ones and re-introduced to the concept of posting the stickers on visible spots. One of the main challenges in Arada SC during this inspection was the unstable office set up of Arada-FMHACA. The bureau was going under restructuring and deploying of professionals that made our job a bit difficult to assign a convenient day and professionals for the job.