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Workshop on smoke-free implementing inspection and enforcement strategy organized by EFDA and AAFMHACA with MCDO
November 26, 2021

Meqoamia Community Development Organization (MCDO) requested the coordination of a smoke-free workshop for a group government official, Police, law enforcements and health professionals from Mayor office, EFDA, AAFMHACA, Arada FMHACA, Police, Law enforcement and Ahadu TV, on November 26, 2021, at Kenenisa Hotel. The workshop was organized by AAFMHACA with MCDO. This workshop was a follow-up activity from previous smoke-free workshop on implementing inspection and enforcement strategy in Arada sub city.
This is a second-round workshop that was organized aiming to ensure enforcement and compliance as expected outcome. The stakeholders gathered were responsible for the execution of enforcement ensuring compliances on all levels. For this, a thoroughly discussion was made among stakeholders. Ms. Heran Gerba, Director General of FDA, and Ms. Tigist Bedada, AAFMHACA Deputy Manager, led the discussion and gave closure with way forward. The workshop was organized into three main sessions. First, introductions and presentation from MCDO representatives regarding the full package of AASFI. Then, was followed by Presentation from AAFMHACA and Arada FMHCA about AASFI progress and Inspection outcomes.
The workshop also intended to activate the participants to engage themselves in effective law enforcement strategy and commitment towards the execution of the 112/2019 proclamation. The participants were asked to focus on the execution of the proclamation starting from their own and commit themselves in professional integrity. The main points discussed were:
- Resuming university based anti-addiction work
- Awareness creation for professionals, especially around health centres
- The case for cigarette products with no graphic warning
- The emphasis on recovery centre
- Placing political direction for AASFI by government officials
- Commitment of all organizations to make their own work environment smoke-free
Furthermore, strengthening the enforcement and compliance towards the 1112/2019 proclamation was emphasized. The participants reflected on the main ideas and other related issues.
Kenenisa Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
November 26, 2021