Meeting with the Ethiopian Broadcasting Authority. The audiences EFDA Minister of Culture and Tourism MCDO MWCS and others The agenda In TV shows ; movies and dramas, Indirect advertisements in the characters and images were about alcohol and tobacco. In…

On July 5, 2021 we agreed with the Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Authority (FMHACA) Director Mr. Tamene Achamo on strengthening the Addis Ababa Smoke Free Initiative (AASFI). AASFI project aims at increasing awareness creation among the community…

Ms. Heran Gerba, Director General of EFDA, the winner of WHO World No Tobacco Day award, 2021 and the CTFK Judy Wilkenfeld Award for International Tobacco Control Excellence, including the Addis Ababa AAFMHACA Director Mr. Tamene and Subcity, woreda leaderships…

Press Release At Capital Hotel Addis Ababa By the Minister of Health, H.E Dr. Lia Tadesse, Ms Heran Gerba General Director of EFDA, Dr. Bouremia -WHO Ethiopia Representative, Mr. Wondu – MWCS and MCDO Mr. Elias made a statement. We…

The federal Parliament approved making the compound smoke free area in 2019. In attendance were Dr. Amir Aman the former Minister of Health, Heran Gerba, Director General of Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority (EFDA), Abeba Yusuf, Women, Children, Youth and…

Today is The First Colombo plane DAP Substance Use Disorders (SUDs), UPC and UTC Ethiopia, Addis Ababa training weak .opening ceremony started speech by State Minister of Health Dr. Lia Tadesse , Dr. Tedla W. Giorgis Advisor of the Ministry…

Discussion with Heran Gerba, EFDA Director General focused mainly on COVID-19 and addiction. During the discussion Heran assured EFDA’s commitment to cooperate with Meqoamia Community Development Center to raise awareness and prevent addiction amid the pandemic.

Experience sharing program at Mathews Woldu Cancer Society. Meqoamia took the best experience of the society on their years-long efforts on anti tobacco activities.