Organizing and conducting training on smoke-free implementing inspection and enforcement strategy – AASFI Launching
This workshop under the activity of organizing and conducting training on smoke-free implementing inspection and enforcement strategy aimed on inaugurating the AASFI launching and scale-up program. It was conducted on March 22, 2022, at Capital Hotel and Spa. It was…
MCDO’s Grateful Day !
#የመቋሚያ_የማህበረሰብ_ልማት_ድርጅት_የምስጋና_ቀን! ' We are Grateful ' መጋቤት 30/2014 ዓ.ም እነሆ ዛሬ #የምስጋና ቀናችን ነው! #ለምስጋና #ደስ እያለን ፤ #ስለተደረገልን ነገሮች ፣ #በእኛ በኩል ለማህበረሰባችን ስለተከናወኑት ክንውኖች እና ምርጥ ስኬቶቻችን ለማሰብ.... እንዲሁም #በማስተዋል ለሚገባው ሁሉ- እውቅና ለመስጠት ፤ በምስጋና መንፈስ በመሆን…
We are blessed ‘ MCDO’s Grateful Day! ‘
#የመቋሚያ_የማህበረሰብ_ልማት_ድርጅት_የምስጋና_ቀን! መጋቤት 30/2014 ዓ.ም እነሆ ዛሬ #የምስጋና ቀናችን ነው! #ለምስጋና #ደስ እያለን ፤ #ስለተደረገልን ነገሮች ፣ #በእኛ በኩል ለማህበረሰባችን ስለተከናወኑት ክንውኖች እና ምርጥ ስኬቶቻችን ለማሰብ.... እንዲሁም #በማስተዋል ለሚገባው ሁሉ- እውቅና ለመስጠት ፤ በምስጋና መንፈስ በመሆን ለመሰባሰብ..... ፍቃደኛም ስለሆንን - እናንተን…
Outreach meeting for Taskforce, WHO, AAFMHACA and Arada and other sub-city’s health and law enforcement officials to ensure prioritization and continued political support
Momona HotelThis workshop was entitled “Outreach meeting for Taskforce, WHO, AAFMHACA and Arada, and other sub-city’s health and law enforcement officials to ensure prioritization and continued political support”. It took place on May 17, 2022, at Momona Hotel, Addis Ababa.…
Equipping and giving training for law enforcement, police, and justice office on the SF proclamation
Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa.This workshop was entitled “Equipping and giving training for law enforcement, police, and justice office on the SF proclamation”. It took place on May 27, 2022, at Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa. It was organized in the context of a meeting…
Equipping and giving training for law enforcement, police, and justice office on the SF proclamation
Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa.This workshop was entitled “Equipping and giving training for law enforcement, police, and justice office on the SF proclamation”. It took place on May 27, 2022, at Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa. It was organized in the context of a meeting…
World No Tobacco Day May 31,2022
Inter luxury Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.This is WHO initiated annual event which take place every year on May 31, 2022. The event is named “World No Tobacco Day”. This year WNTD 2022 is entitle “Tobacco: Threat to our environment”. It took place in Inter luxury…
Capacity building training on smoke-free implementation, inspection, and enforcement
Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa.This workshop was entitled “Capacity building training on smoke-free implementation, inspection, and enforcement”. The capacity-building was conducted aiming to equip professionals from Arad and Kirkos sub-cities. The capacity-building helped Arada SC to share its experience with Kirkos professionals. The expected…
Capacity building training on smoke-free implementation, inspection, and enforcement
Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa.Venue: Harmony Hotel, Date: July 7, 2022 This workshop was entitled “Capacity building training on smoke-free implementation, inspection, and enforcement”. The capacity-building was conducted aiming to equip professionals from Arad and Kirkos sub-cities. The capacity-building helped Arada SC to share…
Capacity building training on smoke-free implementation, inspection, and enforcement
Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa.Venue: Harmony Hotel, Date: July 7, 2022 This workshop was entitled “Capacity building training on smoke-free implementation, inspection, and enforcement”. The capacity-building was conducted aiming to equip professionals from Arad and Kirkos sub-cities. The capacity-building helped Arada SC to share…
Advocacy meeting with Mayor’s office, Police Commission, Code enforcement bureau, and women and youth bureau to support strong enforcement of SF provisions
Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa.The advocacy meeting took place on July 19, 2022, at Harmony Hotel, Addis Ababa. The meeting aimed to organize a platform to create high political commitment among officials and prioritization of SF implementation and compliance endeavours. The workshop gathered participants…