Uncategorized አለም አቀፍ የአደገኛ እፅ አላግባብ መጠቀምን እና ህገወጥ ዝውውርን መከላከል ቀን Uncategorized June 27, 2023 0Comments
Uncategorized አለም አቀፍ የአደገኛ እፅ አላግባብ መጠቀምን እና ህገወጥ ዝውውርን መከላከል ቀን አለም አቀፍ የአደገኛ እፅ አላግባብ መጠቀምን እና ህገወጥ ዝውውርን መከላከል ቀን Uncategorized June 27, 2023 0Comments
Uncategorized World Drug Day ሰኔ 26 /2023 የዓለም የአደገኛ እፅ ቀን ነው። መከላከልን ከርኅራኄ ጋር፡፡ “ሱሰኝነት የምንከላለውና ማገገም የሚችል የአንጎል ህመም ነው!” ሃገር ማለት... Uncategorized June 24, 2023 0Comments
Uncategorized World No Tobacco Day May 31,2023 Addis Ababa smoke free initiative Uncategorized June 16, 2023 0Comments
Uncategorized HE Dr. Ergogie Tesfaye, Minister of Labour and Social Affair , H.E Muna Ahmed, State Minister of the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs and Elias Kalayu Executive director of MCDO. After the national panel discussion. With Meqoamia – Addiction Recovery book . April 12 ,2023 Uncategorized April 28, 2023 0Comments
Uncategorized HE Dr. Ergogie Tesfaye, Hon’ble Minister of Labour and Social Affair with Elias Kalayu Executive director of MCDO. After the national panel discussion, he gave a short speech on national drug abuse prevention. April 12 ,2023 Uncategorized April 28, 2023 0Comments
Uncategorized This on-site visit included Ms Heran, EFDA Director General, Mr. Elias ,MCDO Executive Director and other AAFMHACA higher officials . On February 23, 2023. Uncategorized March 16, 2023 0Comments
Uncategorized Outreach meeting for Taskforce, WHO, AAFMHACA and Arada, and other sub-city’s health and law enforcement officials to ensure prioritization and continued political support Uncategorized February 17, 2023 0Comments