በህይወት መንገድ ሱስ እና ወጣቱ :: https://fb.watch/id4XWVd6i1/
https://fb.watch/i9-UoCjQ3l/ #የጤና_ነገር ፤ ሱሰኝነት ላይ ያተኮረ ውይይት – በቀጥታ
In higher education, we believe that the book ‘Meqoamia-Addiction Science’ is useful for students with addiction problems. To the Honorable Dr. Samuel Kifle, who is the State Minister of Education; Mr. Elias Kalayu, who is executive director of MCDO ;…
To the Honorable Dr. Samuel Kifle, who is the State Minister of for Education; Mr. Elias Kalayu, who is executive director of MCDO ; presented a gift of a book. The book Meqoamia-Addiction Science is useful for students with addiction problems in…