To the Honorable Dr. Samuel Kifle, who is the State Minister of Education; Mr. Elias Kalayu, who is executive director of MCDO ; presented a gift of a book. The book ‘Meqoamia-Addiction Science’ is useful for students with addiction problems in higher education.

In higher education, we believe that the book ‘Meqoamia-Addiction Science’ is useful for students with addiction problems. To the Honorable Dr. Samuel Kifle, who is the State Minister of Education; Mr. Elias Kalayu, who is executive director of MCDO ;…

To the Honorable Dr. Samuel Kifle, who is the State Minister of Education; Mr. Elias Kalayu, who is executive director of MCDO ; presented a gift of a book. The book Meqoamia-Addiction Science is useful for students with addiction problems in higher education.

To the Honorable Dr. Samuel Kifle, who is the State Minister of for Education; Mr. Elias Kalayu, who is executive director of MCDO ; presented a gift of a book. The book Meqoamia-Addiction Science is useful for students with addiction problems in…

ለባህልና ስፖርት ሚኒስቴር የባህልና ቋንቋ ዘርፍ ሚኒስትር ደኤታ ክብርት ወርቅነሽ ብሩ ‹‹ መቋሚያ – የሱስ ሳይንስ ›› መጽሐፍን አቶ ኤልያስ ካልአዩ (የድርጅቱ ዋና ስራ እፈፃሚ) በስጦታ መልክ ለሚኒስተር መስሪያቤቱ አበርክተዋል፡፡

ከሚኒስተር መስሪያቤቱ ጋር ድርጅታችን በጎጅ ልማዳዊ ድርጊት (የአደገኛ እፅ ተጠቃሚነትና ሱሰኝነት) መከላከል ብዙ ስራ እየሰራ የቆየና አሁንም እየሰራ ያለ ነው፡፡።

Meqoamia Community Development Organization (MCDO) is a non-profit civil society organization that played a critical role in establishing treatment, prevention, and recovery coaching especially, for those with substance abuse issues or Addiction. Moreover, the organization has been giving psychosocial support to individuals in need. 

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