TOT Tobacco smoking prevention program. Addis Ababa city. Student Representatives. Organized by Addis Ababa Education Bureau with Meqoamia Community Development Organization

TOT Tobacco smoking prevention program. Addis Ababa city. Student Representatives. Organized by Addis Ababa Education Bureau with Meqoamia Community Development Organization
ሱስ በሽታ ነው! ማህበረሰብም እንደ ግለሰብ ይታመማል። ግለሰብ በአካሉ ሲታመም በተክለ ሰውነቱ ላይ ተፅዕኖ እንደሚከሰትበት ሁሉ ማህበረሰብም ሲታመም ማህበራዊ ቁመናው ላይ እክል ያጋጥመዋል ። በዚህም ሀገር ትታመማለች። የግለሰብ ስነልቦናዊና አካላዊ እና መንፈሳዊ ህመም ወደ ማህበራዊ ፣ኢኮኖሚያዊ እና ፖለቲካዊ ህመም ሊቀየር…
We had a productive meeting on substance abuse with the State Minister of Health Dr. Lia Tadesse, Advisor of the Minister of Health Dr. Tedla W. Giorgis and Mr. Elias kalayu (MCDO Excutive Director). Thank you all for your willingness…
This morning we spent as fruitful morning with HE Sahlework Zewde.President of EFDR , along with Ambassador Amin Abduleqadr, Ambassador of Ethiopia in Algeria to discuss the devastations of substance abuse (Addiction) in our country. With us were Dr. Tedla…