Uncategorized “SCHOOL CAMPUS NICOTINE AND TOBACCO-FREE” Prevention TOT for Addis Ababa High School Representative TOT Tobacco smoking prevention program. Addis Ababa city. Student Representatives. Organized by Addis Ababa Education Bureau with Meqoamia Community Development... Uncategorized December 1, 2018 0Comments
Uncategorized TRAINING OF TRAINERS FOR ETHIOPIA ON THE UNIVERSAL CURRICULUM PREVENTION /TREATMENT FOR SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS ሱስ በሽታ ነው! ማህበረሰብም እንደ ግለሰብ ይታመማል። ግለሰብ በአካሉ ሲታመም በተክለ ሰውነቱ ላይ ተፅዕኖ እንደሚከሰትበት ሁሉ ማህበረሰብም ሲታመም ማህበራዊ ቁመናው... Uncategorized November 24, 2018 0Comments
Uncategorized Substance Abuse We had a productive meeting on substance abuse with the State Minister of Health Dr. Lia Tadesse, Advisor of the... Uncategorized November 15, 2018 0Comments
Addiction First Colombo plane DAP Substance Use Disorders (SUDs), UPC and UTC – Training Today is The First Colombo plane DAP Substance Use Disorders (SUDs), UPC and UTC Ethiopia, Addis Ababa training weak .opening... Addiction July 19, 2018 0Comments
Uncategorized ሱስ የምንከላከለውና የሚድን የአዕምሮ በሽታ ነው This morning we spent as fruitful morning with HE Sahlework Zewde.President of EFDR , along with Ambassador Amin Abduleqadr, Ambassador... Uncategorized July 12, 2018 0Comments
Addiction Recovering Discussion with Heran Gerba, EFDA Director Discussion with Heran Gerba, EFDA Director General focused mainly on COVID-19 and addiction. During the discussion Heran assured EFDA’s commitment... Addiction Recovering July 12, 2018 0Comments
Rehabilitation ወጣቱና ሱሰኝነት Detoxification or detox means the process of removing toxins from the body. There are two main types of detox: medically... Rehabilitation July 11, 2018 0Comments
Addiction Experience sharing program at Mathews Woldu Cancer Society Experience sharing program at Mathews Woldu Cancer Society. Meqoamia took the best experience of the society on their years-long efforts... Addiction July 11, 2018 0Comments