በህይወት መንገድ ሱስ እና ወጣቱ :: https://fb.watch/id4XWVd6i1/
https://fb.watch/i9-UoCjQ3l/ #የጤና_ነገር ፤ ሱሰኝነት ላይ ያተኮረ ውይይት – በቀጥታ
In higher education, we believe that the book ‘Meqoamia-Addiction Science’ is useful for students with addiction problems. To the Honorable...
To the Honorable Dr. Samuel Kifle, who is the State Minister of for Education; Mr. Elias Kalayu, who is executive director of...
#Addiction_recovery#Self_help_book#Recovery_Coach Professor Jelan is the Vice-President of Haramaya University, and we have been working with drug use and addiction in...
ከሚኒስተር መስሪያቤቱ ጋር ድርጅታችን በጎጅ ልማዳዊ ድርጊት (የአደገኛ እፅ ተጠቃሚነትና ሱሰኝነት) መከላከል ብዙ ስራ እየሰራ የቆየና አሁንም እየሰራ ያለ ነው፡፡።
We thank you CTFK , on behalf of MCDO for organizing this program. Annual Afro – TC family appreciation program....